Organizer of the seminar: Association New Music
Financially supported by: Swiss Cultural Program - Ukraine
The Odessa participants included managers and teachers from institutions providing arts management education, representatives of educational cultural institutions and producing companies that offer management services for cultural projects.
Besides participants from Odessa, Mrs. Lyudmyla Garbuz (the director of Swiss cultural program to Ukraine, Pro Helvetia Foundation) and Prof. Rolf Keller (an expert on cultural management educational programs at Basel University, Switzerland) participated in the seminar.
During this meeting, participants discussed the prospect of developing cultural and art management in Ukraine, how a center for the cultural management might be created and what it might do, and possibilities for organizing relevant education and training for specialists. Also, participants discussed who could contribute to the proposed project and how it is possible to combine the efforts of community, State and business structures in the development and implementation of the educational and training models for managers of cultural institutions and projects.
With the purpose to discuss possibilities as to the consolidation of efforts of State, commercial and public organizations for the cultural management development in Ukraine the round table covered the following topics:
• about profession "cultural manager"
• possibilities on the management of social-cultural processes
• models of professional communication, applied in contemporary management
• strategic planning in the cultural sphere: possibilities and risks
• promoting creative activities of Ukrainian cultural and art workers through the creation, development and publication of information database as well as propaganda of contemporary Ukrainian art.
The following aspects of cultural management were considered during round table meeting:
Possibilities on the obtaining of special knowledge in the cultural management sphere (cultural policy, marketing, foundrising, projects management, personnel management, financial management, PR-technologies, legislation and taxation, business-plans development, strategy development etc.) in such directions as management performing arts, museums, theatre etc.
• development and introduction of modern technologies for cultural management in Ukraine;
• providing professional growth of cultural managers and promoting of new managing standards in cultural sphere;
• strengthening of partnerships between representatives of different public sectors and stimulating of their participation in solving of issues concerned cultural development;
• development of cultural management under the market conditions;
• creation of the Center for applied cultural management in Odessa, distribution of its experience in other regions of Ukraine