Idea, artistic conception and implementation of the project by:
International public organization "Association New Music" (the Ukrainian section of the ISCM), president Karmella Tsepkolenko
Author and manager of the project:
Iouri Semenov
Supported by:
Schweizer Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia, Reseaux Est-Ouest, Pro Helvetia - Ukraine
International Renaissance Foundation
Greek Culture Foundation
Organizing Committee:
Oleksandr Perepelytsya Managing Director of the Institute of Regional Development, Culture and Education
Karmella Tsepkolenko President of the Association New Music
Halyna Vladymyrska Director of the Worldwide Odessites' Club
Iouri Semenov author and manager of the project Music Information Centre of the Association New Music
Informational support:
Odessa Regional Radio Irina and Radio Na Troitskiy (Ukraine)
Radio Garmoniya Mira (Odessa, Ukraine)
Newspaper Vecherniaya Odessa
The project is generally aims at the fostering the development of New Music in Ukraine and the integration of Ukraine into the worldwide and European cultural and informational space. The concrete objective of this forum is furthering international collaboration of NGOs and creative individuals in the area of New Music. The forum's theme is acquaintance with recent achievements and development of festival movements in different countries, discussing possibilities of interaction and realization of collaborative projects. The forum has two directions:
1) roundtable discussions by leaders and representatives of home and foreign New Music associations, festival directors
2)festival events - performances, concerts, audio- and video-actions.
Networking associations of organizations for new music must aim at developing contemporary art trends, at supporting all the new, oncoming, and talented.
This problem was discussed at various meetings including those held by the Association New Music. Many festival organizers supported the idea of uniting different actions. If some festivals are held in three countries with time breaks, then it is possible not only to exchange participants, but also to harmonise their conceptions and to elaborate common conception of the festival movement. In addition, this activity could foster the feeling of cultural community, unite festivals differentiating in countries and contents, but linked by conceptual paradigms.
Another item of the agenda is the collaboration of NGOs. The difference in conditions for NGOs functioning in different countries is to be mentioned. Due to the law, registration and taxing conditions, state and community support. The Ukrainian NGOs exist in the situation of stable instability, which requires a particular planning, with quick reacting for changes. We must operate with more tools and components while planning in order to take a new orientation due to situational changes. Such a particularity of planning is to be taken into account by the partners working in more stable conditions.
The forum features representatives from developed Western Europe, America as well as from "transition" countries, from Asia - India, Korea and Japan. There appears a problem of cultural dialogue and interaction between different music civilisations at the contemporary epoch of informational globalisation. This process is of great importance for music culture.
As another component, the forum includes discussions about prospects of regional international organizations' networking, creating functional databases of contemporary music, online magazines, integrating countries into various informational networks.
The Forum programme consists of: roundtable conference and festival events, including performances, concerts, audio- and video-actions, meetings, press conferences, etc. The festival programme includes a performances dedicated to contemporary Ukrainian and foreign music. Among the participants there is a well-known Ukrainian ensemble of soloists Kamerata Kyiv, other Ukrainian and foreign soloists and ensembles, including for the first time in Ukraine a Greek Ensemble of Contemporary Music.
The following results of the project could be very important:
- regular exchange of experience between musical NGOs of different countries and regions of the world, coordinating their activity;
- providing support to each organization participating in the forum by holding network events, know-how seminars and implementing joint projects;
- strengthening the Ukrainian public concern for New Music and foster the development of New Music;
- subsequent integration of Ukraine into the worldwide cultural space.
The Forum aimed at fostering the development of the New Music in the Ukraine as well as its integration in the European and global cultural space. A conference and a concert series represented a special event. It took place in various halls (Actors Club, Literaró Museum, Greek Culture Centre, Hall of Odessa section of the Ukrainian Composers' Union and Worldwide Odessites' Club).
The entrance to all actions was free of charge. The participants and guests had got the detailed information about the situation in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Scandinavian countries, Ukraine and others.
Prof. Bernhard Wulff set the pitch by reviewing his unique experience of organising festivals in various countries of Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Ukraine), America (Uruguay) und Asia (Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam). He called the Mongolian festival Roaring Hoofs a "child" of the Festival Two Days and Two Nights of New Music in Odessa and the forthcoming Festivals in Kyrgyzstan und Vietnam its "grand-children". The conference participants consented, that contemporary festivals, particularly for New Music structurally should not be conceived as primitive conventional concert series, but they must originate from some integral.
We are witnesses of the globalisation processes in the area of New Music, especially concerning its appearance and development in post-communist and some non-European countries. The support for such processes needs a developed and various international informational infrastructures. In addition to international networks, another new international both thematic and regional networks are to be created. Particularly, such regional networks have the perspectives, if they could unite developed and so-called transition countries, e.g. Black Sea, Balkan and Danube countries networks.
The participants and guests of the Forum got the detailed information about the development of the MIC Odessa Ukraine, its new production, and the online-magazine
The Forum was interesting for Ukrainian and international mass medias. The average number of the public was nearly 200-300. The wishes were expressed about the regular holding of such conferences.
April 10, TUESDAY
Arrival of the participants
Worldwide Odessites' Club
10.30 ROUNDTABLE I Festival organization experience
B.Wulff, J.Clarke, E.Shcherbakov
Worldwide Odessites' Club
12.30 ROUNDTABLE II Development of the festival movement
A.Rovner, C.Delley
Worldwide Odessites' Club
17.00 EVENING PERFORMANCE I Bayan (Accordion) Recital
Vladimir Zubytsky bayan (Italy-Ukraine)
Part I
Volodymyr Zubytsky From Fancelli to Galliano (Fantasy on themes of Luciano Fancelli, Wolmer Beltrami and Richard Galliano for accordion and piano)
Volodymyr Zubytsky Partita concertante in modo di jazz improvisazione no. 2
Volodymyr Zubytsky Rossiniana for accordion and piano
Part II
Viktor Vlasov Steps for accordion
Daniil Kramer, Viacheslav Chernikov, Volodymyr Zubytsky Violinist Playing and Dancing for violin
Astor Piazzolla Oblivion for accordion
Volodymyr Zubytsky Jazz-scherzo (fantasy on the themes by Luciano Fancelli, Richard Galliano, Viktor Vlasov) for accordion
Volodymyr Zubytsky - Marcello Moretti Flumen for accordion and piano
Volodymyr Zubytsky - Marcello Moretti Ti amo, Pesaro for accordion
Volodymyr Zubytsky - Marcello Moretti Carmen iukundum for accordion and piano
Volodymyr Zubytsky Trauermusik in memory of Vladislav Zolotarev for accordion
Volodymyr Zubytsky Salute, Castelfidardo! for violin and piano
Performed by:
Volodymyr Zubytsky accordion, Natalia Zubytska piano, Oleksandr Volodin violin
Golden Hall, Literary Museum
State Ensemble of Soloists Kamerata Kyiv (Ukraine)
Artistic Director and Conductor Valery Matiukhin
Ashot Zograbian Concerto-Elegy for 12 solo strings
Valentin Silvestrov Serenade for strings (1978) | Epitaph for strings and piano (1999)
Volodymyr Zubytsky Chamber Symphony no. 3 in memory of Borys Liatoshyns'kyj for strings (1985)
Evhen Stankovych Chamber Symphony no. 3 for flute and strings (1982)
Soloists: Bohdana Stel'mashenko flute, Dmytro Tavanets' piano
Golden Hall, Literary Museum
April 12, THURSDAY
10.00 Roundtable III Music and Globalization Processes (virtual and real space and time, interaction of civilisations, changes in social structure, common ideology and structure of music activity)
Ivo Nilsson, Andreas Lorenz, Vladimir Beleaev
Worldwide Odessites' Club
12.00 AUDIO-ACTION I Music from Greece, Cyprus, Azerbaijan, India, Korea, Japan
Worldwide Odessites' Club, 7
Michalis Adamis Byzantine and Contemporary New Greek Music: Experience of Interaction
Odessa Branch of Greek Culture Foundation
Ensemble Erzsebet and The Harmonies of the World Ensemble
Eugene Scherbakov Fünf Geistliche Gesange (Five Spiritual Chants)
Performed by: Ensemble Erzsebet
Isabel Heusser soprano, Miklosh Hegyi violin, Laszlo Polus cello, Stefan Abels piano
Erik Freitag Quintet for flute and string quartet (world premiere)
Performed by: The Harmonies of the World Ensemble
Natalia Lytvynova violin, Leonid Piskun violin, Iya Komarova viola, Serhiy Scholz cello, Serhiy Laptiev flute
Actors Club
April 13, FRIDAY
10.00 ROUND-TABLE IV Music and Globalisation Processes
Elizabeth Glauber, Adina Izarra
Worldwide Odessites' Club
12.00 AUDIO-ACTION III Music from Great Britain, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Argentina, Venezuela, the USA
Worldwide Odessites' Club
16.00 VISITING the Two Days and Two Nights of New Music Festival
April 14, SATURDAY
12.00 AUDIO-ACTION IV Music of the youth...
Odessa Branch of Ukrainian Composers' Union
16.00 VISITING the Two Days and Two Nights of New Music Festival
April 15, SUNDAY
15.00 ROUND-TABLE V | Common discussion. Exchange of opinions
Odessa Branch of Ukrainian Composers' Union
Ensemble Adamis Unlimited (Greece)
Part I
Michael Adamis Endon (Inwards) for saxophone and electro-acoustic music (CD) (2001)
George Adamis Rhinotilinkus Ulni (Nose Tilinkos Session) for double folk flute (furulya), 2 tilinkos, electro-acoustic music (CD) and fire juggling (2000)
Michael Adamis Kratema for baritone, saxophone, tuba and electro-acoustic music (CD) (1971)
Part II
George Adamis Didgvastahto (Dis/dgbearable) for didgeridoo, bendir and voice (2001)
Michael Adamis Molpe (Chant) for alto saxophone (2000)
George Adamis Ton Spileon (Of the Caves) for morin huur and voice (1998)
George Adamis Navagoi (Shipwreck Survivers) for tape, juggling and voice (1998)
Performed by: Ensemble Adamis Unlimited:
George Adamis vocals, morin huur, Hungarian double folk flute and 2 tilinkos, didgeridoo, bendir, Theophilos Sotiriades saxophones (soprano and alto), Thanassis Adamis fire juggling, Michael Adamis conductor
Actors Club
April 16, MONDAY
11.00 ROUND-TABLE V | Common discussion. Press-Conference
Worldwide Odessites' Club