Oleksandr Perepelytsya junior
June 4, 2004
 Piano Recital Program: 


Frederick Chopin Fantasy op. 49

Ferenz Liszt Mefisto - waltz

Valentyn Bibik Prelude and fugue No.16 op.16b

Sergiy Prokofiev Sonata No.7 op.83

Vytautas Germanavicius NIDAMANNGRIEG SONATE for violin, cello and piano

Francis Schwartz Songs of Loneliness song cycle for voice, violin, clarinet, piano and participating public.


Texts by Josemilio Gonzalez, Miguel de Ferdinandy, Anna Akhmatova, Jorge Louis Borges, Allen Ginsberg.


Ensemble Senza Sforzando: Ihor Zakharchenko clarinet, Julia Timakova mezzo soprano, Oleksiy Gove violin, Evhene Dovbush cello and Oleksandr Perepelytsya junior piano, artistic director participated in this concert.

All musicians of this ensemble are members of the ANM.


 Voices of press: 


According to Professor Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Dashkovsky, Sasha since the first year of his education prepares very serious programs for the recital. In 2003-2004 he has prepared three recital programs, two of which were performed last fall in one-day interval between concerts, that no one student of the Odessa State A.V.Nezhdanova Music Academy did before. These programs were highly evaluated by professors of our Chair.

Undoubtedly, that quality of performance is the main. Sasha has made a large step forward in the development of his performing techniques. As to the emotional aspect, then his performing manner has always been filled up with poetry and delicacy.

The concert has a great success and demonstrated a growing professional level of this pianist as a performer and proved that young generation is no less gifted as compared to parents: famous composer and musician Karmella Tsepkolenko and Alexander Perepelytsya-older".

Vecherniaya Odessa, June 10, 2004, Oleg Vladimirsky "Concert-examination in Golden Hall"

 See also: 


Oleksandr Perepelytsya junior in MIC database