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The 10th festival: 21-23 April 2006 | REVIEW | PARTICIPANTS | PROGRAMME | PHOTOS |
Festival 2006 - PROGRAMME |
Prelude Thursday (April, 20) 15.00 PIANO RECITAL | Jens Barnieck Programme: Liudmyla Samodaeva (Ukraine) O, Paris… (2004) (world premiere) Karmella Tsepkolenko (Ukraine) Solo Solissimo no. 3 (2005) Marko Kubo Viertel des Lebens (2003) Gloria Coates Tones in Overtones - Piano Sonata no. 1 (1972) Frederik Rzewski Piano Piece no. 4 (1977) 18.00 CONCERT-PRELUDE | Mystery Of Cosmos And Microcosmos Miklos Maros Quincunx for organ (1985) Violeta Dinescu (Germany) Quasar PAAL 2 for cello and organ (1985) Fredrik Hagstedt Enthusiasm for two cellos and organ (2005) (world premiere) Valentin Silvestrov (Ukraine) Two Serenades for two cellos (2002) Karmella Tsepkolenko (Ukraine) The Light, Which Is in You is not Darkness? for organ (1992) Barry Guy Red Shift for two cellos (1998) Vadim Larchikov (Ukraine) Mystery II. The Precious and Life-giving Cross for two cellos and organ (2003) Performed by: Olha Yefremova organ (Ukraine) & Duo Violoncellissimo (Ukraine): Olha Veselina cello, Vadim Larchikov cello Festival THE FIRST DAY (April, 21) 16.00 Grand Opening 16.30 KONZERT-SZENE 1 | Drama 1 Oleksandr Krasotov (Ukraine) Rhythmotecture - Concerto for 4 percussion players (2006) (world premiere) Performed by: Percussion Ensemble Of Freiburg Music University (Germany): Sabrina Ma percussion, Lee Wen Cheng percussion, Mariko Nishioka percussion, Yuka Sugimoto percussion Bernhard Wulff artistic director Volodymyr Runchak (Ukraine) Play of Sounds - Music Match in 5 Rounds between clarinettist and string quartet (2001) Performed by: Ensemble Classic-Modern (Ukraine): Vitalij Voznjak clarinet, Oleksandr Bozhyk violin, Roman Sokruta violin, Volodymyr Meheden viola, Artem Shmahailo cello, Volodymyr Runchak condactor Matthew Shlomowitz (Austria) you close your eyes again for voice, piano, e-guitar, clarinet and percussion (2005) Performed by: Ensemble asamisimasa (Norway): Håkon Stene percussion, Anders Fшrisdal guitars, Rolf Borch clarinets, Janne Berglund soprano, Heloisa Amaral piano 18.00 PORTRAIT OF Valentin Silvestrov (Ukraine) Dedication (2005) (world premiere) Pastoral for piano solo Elegy on poems by Hryhorij Khoroshylov Two Songs on poems by Velimir Khlebnikov (2005) (world premiere) Grasshopper Butterfly Farewell Song (2005) (world premiere) Elegy for solo piano A Poem of Hryhorij Khoroshylov Lullaby for solo piano Two Elegies on poems by Roman Kofman (2005) (world premiere) Two Songs (2004) Confession on poem by Aleksandr Pushkin Lullaby for Emilij - a cat and a pianist (b.p. V.S.) Performed by: Inna Halatenko soprano (Ukraine), Roman Repka piano (Ukraine) 18.30 Ensemble Classic-Modern (Ukraine) Magnus Linberg (Finland) Steamboat Bill junior for clarinet and cello (1990) Kaija Saariacho (Finland) Nocturne - In Memory of Witold Lutosіawski for violin (1994) Magnus Linberg (Finland) Clarinet Quintet (1992) Performed by: Vitalij Voznjak clarinet, Oleksandr Bozhyk violin, Roman Sokruta violin, Volodymyr Meheden viola, Artem Shmahailo cello, Volodymyr Runchak condactor (The Concert is supported by the Finland Embassy in Ukraine) 19.30 SOLO-SOLISSIMO I | Roman Yusipey accordion (Ukraine) ONLY YOUsipey (Music of Gender Paradoxes) Programme: Karmella Tsepkolenko (Ukraine) Out of the Crowd (1994) Ljubava Sydorenko (Ukraine) Verticals (2006) (world premiere) Hanna Havrylets (Ukraine) Sempre moltissimo (2006) (world premiere) Alla Zagaykevych (Ukraine) Wind, stones, flowers (2004) Victoria Poleva (Ukraine) Zero (2004) (world premiere) Serhiy Zazhitko (Ukraine) Eleven Little Musical Perversions for Anastasija Hnatjuk (2006) (world premiere): 1. On the true way | 2. Moon is shining | 3. In the steppes of Ukraine | 4. Trombophlebitis | 5. Songs without words | 6. Position no. 74 | 7. Virginity | 8. Union of composers | 9. Hey, Marusja ! | 10. Autumn | 11. Oral study 20.30 Lenka Župková e-violin, electronics (Germany), Andre Bartetzki electronics (Germany) Programme: Annette Schlünz (Germany) Zebra (2005) Lenka Župková (Germany) Strepy II (2005) Andre Bartetzki (Germany) String-Theory (2005) Alla Zagaykevych (Ukraine) transparence... (2006) (world premiere) Serhiy Pilyutikov (Ukraine) Ikar (2006) (world premiere) | Improvization for violino and computer 21.30 DUEL-DUO I | Duo Runedako (USA) : Daniel Koppelman & Ruth Neville piano Moritz Eggert Millennium Dance for four-handed piano (1999) Eric Moe Where Branched Thoughts Murmur in the Wind for piano solo (2000) | Dance of the Honey Monkey for piano solo (2000) Paul Schoenfield Boogie from Five Days from the Life of a Maniac Depressive for piano, four-hands (1982) 22.00 Ensemble Senza Sforzando (Ukraine) Programme: Anna Tikhoplav (Ukraine) In Private With Spring (on poems by Natalija Taranenko) - cantata for voice and chamber ensemble (2005) Asmati Chibalashvili (Ukraine-Georgia) Songs about Orfeus (on poem by Lesja Tyshkovs'ka) - cantata for voice and chamber ensemble (2005) Performed by: Yulija Panchenko soprano, Ihor Zakharchenko clarinet, Volodymyr Dobrovols'kyj violin, Oleksij Tytov accordіon, Oleksandr Perepelytsya junior piano, artistic director (The concert is held within the symposium European Identity in frontier region of new EU countries and non-EU countries) 23.00 SOLO-SOLISSIMO II | Pierre-Stéphane Meugé saxophone (France) Programme: Ivan Taranenko (Ukraine) In the Search of the Way (2003) Luciano Berio Sequenza VII b (1969) Rashid Kalimullin (Tatarstan) Fantasia (1996) Karlheinz Stockhausen (Germany) In Freundschaft (1978) Pierre-Stéphane Meugé (France) Improvisation (1996) 23.30 ensemble für neue musik zürich (Switzarland) Programme: Lukas Langlotz (Switzarland) Ohne Titel 1 - Trio for flute, clarinet and violin (2006) Noriko Hisada (Japan) From Das Höllenbild (Jigokuhen/The Hell Screen, 1918) - Music theatre in 7 scenes after a story by Ryuhnosuke Akutagawa (German version by Tetsuo Tekeishi) – a version for solo piano (2006) Bruno Stückli (Switzarland) Sieben Entretiens for flute, clarinet, violin and piano (2006) Performed by: Hans-Peter Frehner flute, Manfred Spitaler clarinet, Viktor Mьller piano, Urs Bumbacher violin THE FIRST NIGHT (April, 22) 00.30 KONZERT-SZENE 2 | Drama 2 Aleksandr Radvilovich (Russia) A Boy at the Christ's Tree Party (after a story by F.M. Dostoevsky) for string quartet, percussion, tape (2004) Performed by: Ensemble The Harmonies Of The World (Ukraine): Natalija Lytvynova violin, Leonid Piskun violin, Ija Komarova viola, Bohdan Majbroda percussion, Serhiy Scholz cello, artistic director, Petro Tovstukha condactor Helmuth Lachenmann (Germany) Salut für Caudwell for two speaking guitar players (1977) Performed by: Håkon Stene guitar, Anders Førisdal guitar Vykintas Baltakas (Lithuania) Passaka (Short story) for narrating pianist and tape (1995/96) Tom Johnson (USA) Scene for tape and piano (1969) Performed by: Jens Barnieck piano (Germany) George Crumb (USA) dream sequence for piano trio and percussion (1978) Performed by: Duo Les Éclats Du Son (Ukraine) : Max Riefer percussion, Sebastian Voltz piano and Mykola Buyukli violin (Ukraine), Oleksij Poltavchenko cello (Ukraine) 03.00 INTERVAL |
THE SECOND DAY (April, 22) 16.00 KONZERT-SZENE 3 | Drama 3 Engelchen. A theatre-music-work by Hans-Peter Frehner a story by Isaak Babel The Sin 0f Jesu (German translation by Ervin Honig) with video of Eliane Binggeli (2004) Performed by: ensemble für neue musik zürich (Switzarland) : Hans-Peter Frehner flute, Manfred Spitaler clarinet, Viktor Müller piano, Lorenz Haas percussion, Urs Bumbacher violin, Nicola Romany cello, Dorothea Schürch voice, Daniel Mouthon voice, Eliane Bingglli video, Silvia Werder sound engineer, Jahan Herak sound engineer, Lukas Langlotz musiсal direсtor Jevhen Stankovych (Ukraine) Morning music for accordion and violin (2006) (world premiere) Performed by: Duo Cadence (Ukraine) : Ivan Yergiyev accordion, Olena Yergiyeva violin 17.30 DUEL-DUO II | Sanja Drakulić & Tamara Jurkić Sviben piano (Croatia) Ivo Josipović Un passo sempio (2003) Sanja Drakulić Suburb (2006) (world premiere) | City (2003) 18.00 PICTURING The Frescos Ross Carey (New Zealand) Flower Echoes of Spring, Sun and Mountainside for ensemble (2002) Jan W.Morthenson (Sweden) Unisino for bassoon, piano and live electronics (1975) Vadim Larchikov (Ukraine) New work for bassoon, two cellos and piano (word premiere) Performed by: The Frescos Contemporary Music Ensemble : Serhiy Khudjakov bassoon, Olena Chumachenko piano, Jaroslav Revuc'kyj violin, Olha Veselina cello, Vadim Larchikov cello, artistic director and Alla Zagaykevych live electronics 19.00 ENTR'ACTE-FANTASY 1 | Maksym Shorenkov Through Spheres for piano and threads (2003) 19.30 Ensemble La Tâche (Switzarland-Germany) Programme: Alban Roetschi Duo for сlarinet and сello (1987) : 1er tableau | 2ème tableau | 3ème tableau | inspiration | 4ème tableau | 5ème tableau | 6ème tableau, retrospective et fin Dieter Mack Chedi for piano solo (2000) Daniel Schnyder Trio for сlarinet, cello and piano (1996) : Ardito | Slow blues feel | Afro Cuban feel | Dolce/Arioso Zoltan Almashi Drops for clarinet, cello and piano (2006) (world premiere of version) Performed by: Urs Brügger clarinet, Hansjörg Koch piano, Curdin Coray cello PERFORMANCE-EXHIBITION by Natalija Marynenko and Oleksiy Nuzhnyj "When it squeaks…" noise study for electric devices and video Performed by: Quartet Parquet-Ukraine : Natalia Marinenko dance, Oleksiy Nuzhny video, Mikhaylo Krikalov from Circus, Dmytro Kostyuminsky from DACH and Dmytro Shian (behind the screen) 20.30 ENTR'ACTE-FANTASY 2 Bohdana Frolyak (Ukraine) Venus in Furs after roman by L.Sacher-Masoch for violin and piano (2004) Aleksander Peĉi (Albania) Cartesius Canti no. 2 for piano solo (2003) Aliona Tomlionova (Ukraine) Sonata for viola and piano (2005) (world premiere) (The piece is devoted by Iya Komarova) Performed by: Iya Komarova viola, Natalia Lytvynova violin, Tetyana Kravchenko piano, Aliona Tomlionova piano 21.00 MEETING The Harmonies Of The World (Ukraine) Programme: Pierre-Domenique Ponelle (France) String Quartet (2005) (world premiere) Volodymyr Runchak (Ukraine) Kyrie eleison for piano, violin, viola and cello (1990) Mikhail Bronner (Russia) Pesenka (Little Song) for viola solo (2005) (world premiere) Julia Gomelskaja (Ukraine) dive deep in a rhythm-risk-riot for violin, cello and piano (2005) (world premiere) Algirdas Brilius (Lithuania) L'eau éblouissante for piano quintet (2005) Performed by: Ensemble The Harmonies Of The World (Ukraine) : Natalia Lytvynova violin, Leonid Piskun violin, Iya Komarova viola, Sergiy Scholz cello, artistic director, Tetyana Kravchenko piano 22.00 DUEL-DUO III | Duo Les Éclats Du Son (Germany) : Max Riefer percussion, Sebastian Voltz piano Programme: Charles Wourinen (USA) Duo Julia Gomel'skaja (Ukraine) Hutsulka-dance (2006) (world premiere) 23.00 Ensemble asamisimasa Programme: Jon Øyvind Ness (Norway) Good News from Odessa for clarinet solo (2006) (world premiere) Rashid Kalimoullin (Tatarstan) Night Forest for bass clarinet, piano and percussion (2005) Tristan Murail (France) Tellur for solo guitar (1977) Liudmila Samodaeva (Ukraine) Ledy Lazarus a poems by Sylvia Plath for clarinet, voice, piano and percussion (2006) (world premiere) Beat Furrer (Austria) Poemas for piano, voice, guitar and marimba (1984) Performed by: Håkon Stene percussion, Anders Førisdal guitars, Rolf Borch clarinets, Janne Berglund soprano, Heloisa Amaral piano THE SECOND NIGHT (April, 23) 00.00 KONZERT-SZENE 4 | Drama 4 filmOdessa presented by : short film + live musical accompaniment by ensemble Senza Sforzando Tramway no. 5. A surrealistic trip through Odessa by tramway when the line between dreaming and reality is shifted (2006) Author of the scenario and director (producer) Hugo Schaer (Switzarland) Music by Karmella Tsepkolenko (Ukraine) Performed by: Ensemble Senza Sforzando (Ukraine) : Yulia Panchenko soprano, Igor Zakharchenko clarinet, Oleksiy Titov accordіon, Oleksandr Perepelytsya junior piano, artistic director, Ivan Zavhorodnij double bass Cornelius Cardew Treatise (version 2006) (world premiere) James Tenney (Canada) Quartet "for Henry Cowell" Tona Scherchen Duo for two marimbas Lee Min Chung (China) "Morgensonne" Svitlana Azarova (Ukraine) Feet on fire for 2 percussion players (world premiere) Günter Wulff Vertical/Circular Elements (world premiere) Performed by: Percussion Ensemble Of Freiburg Music University (Germany) : Max Riefer percussion, Sabrina Ma percussion, Lee Wen Cheng percussion, Mariko Nishioka percussion, Yuka Sugimoto percussion, Sebastian Folz piano, Bernhard Wulff artistic director and Trio La Tâshe (Germany-Switzerland) : Urs Brügger (Switzerland) clarinet, Hansjõrg Koch (Germany) piano, Curdin Coray (Switzerland) cello Vinko Globokar (Slovenia-France) Toucher for speaking percussionist (1973) Performed by: Max Riefer percussion Rolf Wallin (Norway) Scratch! - Music Theatre for Amplified Balloon (1991) Performed by: Håkon Stene (Norway) percussion 01.30 CLOSING SPEECHES Epilogue Russell Peck (USA) Lift off ! for percussion (1966) Performed by: Percussion Ensemble Of Freiburg Music University (Germany) : Max Riefer percussion, Sabrina Ma percussion, Lee Wen Cheng percussion, Mariko Nishioka percussion, Yuka Sugimoto percussion, Sebastian Folz piano, Bernhard Wulff artistic director 03.00 THE END |