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The 1st festival: 14-16 April 1995  REVIEW   PARTICIPANTS   PROGRAMME   PHOTOS 


The festival has yet some experimental features. Emphasis is on melodramas, i.e. dramatic works, uniting instrumental music, singing and speaking. Among numerous first-class composers, soloists and ensembles from many countries of the world there are: James Avery, Violeta Dinescu, Ernst Helmuth Flammer, Oleksandr Kozarenko, Carin Levine, Pierre-Stephane Meuge, Ivan Yergiyev, Ensemble 2e2m, Ensemble SurPlus, Percussion Ensemble of Freiburg High Music School under Bernhard Wulff, chamber orchestra Archi, Odessa Conservatoire Choir, ensembles of contemporary music The Harmonies of the World, and The FRESCOS. Conductor Pawlo Dlaboha represents the Ukrainian musical Diaspora. The days preceding the festival are featured by master-classes. After the festival the Association New Music is organized. In December the first theoretical and practical conference about new art problems takes place in Odessa.