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The 10th festival: 23-25 April 2004 | REVIEW | PARTICIPANTS | PROGRAMME | PHOTOS |
Festival 2004 - PROGRAMME |
Prelude Wednesday (April, 21) 16.00 PIANO RECITAL I | Werner Barho Caspar René Hirschfeld Lebenfries (Frieze of Life) Music in 5 parts after poems Edvard Munch | Einsamkeit (Lonelines). Angst (Fear). Begehren (Desire). Tod (Dead). Liebe (Love). 18.00 CONCERT-PRELUDE I | Odessa Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra Artistic director and conductor Ihor Shavruk Programme: Pehr Henrik Nordgren Concerto for strings in 3 Parts: I Premonitions of bad days (Moderato) | II Dance away your worries! (Allegro con passione) | III A be lated prayer for a achieving fulfillment (Moderato) Vadim Larchikov Mystery II. The Precious and Life-giving Cross for two cellos and string orchestra (world premiere) Oleksandr Rovenko Game for open strings and timpani (Alarm, Song and Dance) (world premiere) Anton Ruppert Stille Stück for singing saw and chamber orchestra Soloists: Olga Veselina cello, Vadim Larchikov cello, Vadym Borodin.percussion, Anneliese Ruppert singing saw Conductors: Ihor Shavruk, Bernhard Wulff Thursday (April, 22) 16.00 PIANO-RECITAL II | Jozhef Ermin Contemporary music of Poland and Ukraine Programme: Grazyna Bacewicz Sonate No.2 Andrzej Nikodemowicz Six Meditations Volodymyr Runchak "Hallo M.K.", in three Parts. COntemporary sonoRe Norma (Dedicated of Maurizio Kagel): I Lyric song - "the after-dinner rest of the mosquito" | II Open form - "death of a hedgehog" | III Variations - "repeat second part (an encore) few times" Oleksandr Opanasiuk Sonate No.3 Grazyna Bacewicz Three Grotesks Witold Lutoslawski Two Etudes Concert is realized within the Year of the Polish Culture in Ukraine Concert sponsored by Polish Institute in Kiev 18.00 CONCERT-PRELUDE II | State Ensemble Of Soloists Kamerata Kyiv Artistic director and conductor Valerij Matiukhin Programme: Karmella Tsepkolenko Chamber Symphony No.3 (world premiere) Yuriy Ishchenko Presentiment of Spring for chamber ensemble Zoltan Almashi Extended Life for chamber ensemble Jaroslav Vereshchagin Three Dedications for flute, oboe and bassoon Jevhen Stankovych As if fine drops of froth from stars. Symphony No.8 Festival THE FIRST DAY 16.00 GRAND OPENING 17.00 KONZERT-SZENE 1 | Symphony 1 INTRADA | Kevin Volans She who sleeps with a small blanket Performed by: Guillaume Chastel percussion I and II Parts | The Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Vienna Programme: Christoph Herndler Das Ganze, Das Zwischen for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano Nader Mashayekhi Heiligenstadter Testament for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano Performed by: Silvia Gelos flute, Barbara Schuch clarinet, Florian Wilscher violin, Aleksandar Timotic cello, Gustavo Balanesco piano 18.00 The Vocal Quartet Vox Rashid Kallimoullin Windsor Forest by poems Alexander Pope Per Nørgård Overstaaet Angst (Anxiety overcome) by poems Halfdan Rasmussen | Groen sang (Green Song) by poems Eric Knudsen | Lykkestrejf by poems Thorkild Bjørnvig Arne Mellnäs Saasom spegelbilden (As the picture in the mirror) | Baettre aer (better is) | En kyss (A kiss) from the Bible François Sarhan Oh, Nuncle Performed by: Ulrika Åhlén Axberg soprano, Katarina Lundborg mezzo soprano, Tore Sunesson tenor, Matts Johansson baritone 18.30 ENTRAC'TE-FANTASY I | Sergiy Zazhitko Dancing for oboe and piano Performed by: Bohdan Golosiuk oboe, Dmytro Tavanets piano 19.00 PRESENTATION of the EXHIBITION by Y.Novikov/Y.Matveyev 19.30 DUEL-DUO I | Berliner Klavierduo: Linde Grossmann piano, Stanislav Widulin piano Programme: Hermann Keller Suite for two Pianists (Intrada. Nocturne. Rondo. Epilog.) Reinhold Friedl Epitaph II Alain Louvier Quatre preludes for prepared piano 20.00 Trio Avalon Programme: Laurent Mettraux Trio (world premiere) Oleksandr Shchetynsky Crosswise for clarinet and cello Victoria Poleva Numbers for solo piano Sergiy Pilyutykov Pastorale for clarinet solo Gion Antoni Derungs Trio op. 159 | andante-animato (tema) | espressivo (motivo) | animato (suoni e movimento) Performed by: Rita Karin Meier clarinet, Hans Jörg Fink piano, Luzius Gartmann cello 21.00 MEETING The Harmonies of the World Programme: Ashot Zohrabyan Narcissus. String Quartet No.1 Mikhail Bronner …Tomorrow will be better than yesterday… for violin, cello and accordion (world premiere) Sanja Drakulic Roaming for string quartet (world premiere) Julia Gomelskaya DiaDem for violin and cello Hanna Havrylets Expressions. String Quartet No.3 (world premiere) Performed by: Ensemble The Harmonies of the World: Natalia Lytvynova violin, Leonid Piskun violin, Iya Komarova viola, Sergey Scholz cello, artistic director, Gennadiy Komarov accordion 22.00 SOLO-SOLISSIMO I | Stephan Vermeersch clarinet/bass clarinet Programme: Petra Vermote Erosion for bass clarinet Henri Pousser Madrigal I for clarinet Volodymyr Runchak v.runchak.b.clari@net for clarinet (world premiere of version) Lubby Larsen Dancing Solo for clarinet Levko Kolodub Ukrainian Mosaic for clarinet Violeta Dinescu Lichtweilen for bass clarinet 22.30 SOLO-MOMENTO | Werner Barho piano | Portraits of Women Composers in miniatures Margaret Lucy Wilkins Study in Black and White Ruth Schonthal Gestures Violeta Dinescu Torre di Si Karmella Tsepkolenko Solo-Momento No.1 Barbara Heller Piano music for W.B. (world premiere) 23.00 ENTRAC'TE-FANTASY II | Aliona Tomlionova Three Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke for soprano, corno and piano (world premiere) Performed by: Natalia Yutesh soprano, Anatoliy Pastukhov corno, Aliona Tomlionova piano 23.30 DUEL-DUO II | Elena Càsoli guitar, Jürgen Ruck guitar Programme: Bruno Dozza Ballata. Musica immaginata per un quadro di Sandro Botticelli Vadim Larchikov Tristia for guitar solo (world premiere) Maurizio Pisati Poema della luce. Grande elegia da concerto for guitar solo Klaus Ospald El Sol No Nos Recuerde (world premiere of version) THE FIRST NIGHT 00.30 KONZERT-SZENE 2 | Symphony 2 I Part | Video-dance performance | Ute-Victoria Kilter Knee. Dedicated to all surgeons Performed by: League Level 14: Ute-Victoria Kilter and others II Part | Ensemble Surplus Chaya Czernowin Ina for amplified bass flute and 6 flutes on tape Sven-Ingo Koch Tonopah, Page (Reisebeschreibung 1) (world premiere) for violoncello and piano Dieter Schnebel Modelle. Anschläge – Ausschläge | Stage variations for three instrumentalists (flute, harpsichord, cello) Performed by: Martina Roth flute, Beverly Ellis cello, James Avery piano, harpsichord, artistic director III Part | Video-music performance | Gisela Weimann Opera for Four Buses - The Mobile Opera Stage | Music by Georg Katzer, Patrick Kosk, Natalia Pshenichnikova, Melvyn Poore, Friedrich Schenker IV Part | Sergey Belimov Multicordes for 31 cordepianos (for cordepiano solo and 30 cordepianos in the tape) Performed by: Duo Cordepiano: Elysabeth Merx cordepiano, Sergey Belimov cordepiano 03.00 INTERVAL |
THE SECOND DAY 16.00 KONZERT-SZENE 3 | Symphony 3 I and II Parts | The Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Vienna Osvaldas Balakauskas Quartet for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano Wolfgang Mitterer Idee Fixe for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and tape Performed by: Silvia Gelos flute, Barbara Schuch clarinet, Florian Wilscher violin, Aleksandar Timotic violoncello, Gustavo Balanesco piano II² Part | SOLO-SOLISSIMO II | Maurizio Barbetti viola Programme: Giacinto Scelsi Manto I Karmella Tsepkolenko Solo-Momento No.3 Luca Lombardi Bab Salvatore Sciarino Ai Limiti Della notte Andrea Talmelli Study No.2 su Klinamen for viola and tape Bernd Aloiz Zimmerman Sonate Janathan Harvey Chant 17.00 DUEL-DUO III | Hansjörg Koch piano, Candida Schlabach-Uhl mezzo soprano Programme: Peter Förtig Four Poems by William Butler Yeats | Blood and the Moon 1. Blood and the Moon 3. Oil and Blood. Veronika's Napkin. Ivan Eröd Vier Gesänge (Four Singings): Nachst vorm Haus (Osip Mandelshtam) | O Himmel, Himmel (Osip Mandelshtam) | Keine Halme mehr (Sergey Esenin) | Blaue Himmelsschüssel (Sergey Esenin) Otfried Büsing Three nonsense Songs: Jabberwocky (Lewis Carrol). Ipecuanha (George Cunning). The table and the chair (Edwar Lear) Julia Gomelskaya Waiting on verses by Jennie Fontana 18.00 TOGETHER with Ivan Yergiyev Programme: Ludmyla Samodaieva My Gogol for accordionist and violinist (accordion, violin, percussion) Jacob ter Veldhuis Mandala for accordion solo (world premiere) Volodymyr Runchak Kyrie eleison for accordion and violin (world premiere of version) Sofia Gubaidulina Tatarian Dance for accordion and two double-bass Performed by: Duo Cadence: Ivan Yergiyev accordion, Olena Yergiyeva violin and Volodymyr Tchekaliuk double-bass, Ivan Zavgorodniy double-bass 19.00 PICTURING The Frescos Programme: Darija Andovska Illuminations for violin, two cellos and bassoon (world premiere of version) Ylo Krigul Asylum for violin and piano Alla Zagaykevych Gravitation for two cellos Vinko Globokar Dos a dos for violin and bassoon Vlastislav Matousek Sansara for accordion, bassoon, violin and cello Performed by: The Frescos Contemporary Music Ensemble: Sergiy Khudyakov bassoon, Roman Korentsvit accordion, Yaroslav Revutsky violin, Olga Veselina cello, Vadim Larchikov cello, artistic director, Elena Chumachenko piano and Duo Violoncellissimo: Olga Veselina cello, Vadim Larchikov cello 20.00 TRIPLE DUELS-DUO Tetyna Kravchenko piano, Volodymyr Murza accordion Anton Ruppert piano, Anneliese Ruppert voice, singing saw Sergey Kolmanovsky piano, Oleksandr Murza balalaika Programme: Alexander Radvilovitch Sfinks for piano and accordion Svyatoslav Lunyov Sonate No.2 for piano Guenter Bilias Weiden wie wogen, wogen wie weiden for singing saw Anton Ruppert Noñturne for singing saw, voice and piano Sergey Kolmanovsky Myertvye dushi (Dead souls) (world premiere) (A concert humorous suite in the lubok style by the same name poem of Nikolay Gogol in 6 parts for balalaika and piano): Hymn to balalaika. Chichikov. Manilov. Pliushkin. Sobakevich. Nozdrev 21.00 The Vocal Quartet Vox Programme: François Sarhan Such is Life by poems Edward Lear Julia Gomelskaya Winter Pastoral by poems Boris Pasternak (world premiere) Fredrik Österling Tyst aer det rum by poems Paer Lagerkvist Sven-Eric Johanson Det aer naagot bortom bergen (There is something beyond the mountains by poems Dan Andersson Sven-Eric Johanson Det aer vackrast naer det skymmer (Beauty is most at twilight's close) by poems Paer Lagerkvist Matjas Seiber Nonsense Songs Kim Hedås part from Sommar och snö (Summer and Snow) by poems Kristina Lugn François Sarhan Four Short Pieces Matts Johansson Quodlibet from Swedish folk tunes Fredrik Österling Etude sentimentale (excerpt from Paul Verlaine) Performed by: Ulrika Åhlén Axberg soprano, Katarina Lundborg mezzo soprano, Tore Sunesson tenor, Matts Johansson baritone 22.00 DUEL-DUO IV | Franceska Deriu piano, Andrea Bini percussion Ignacio Baca-Lobera Cinqo movimentos Maurucio Kagel Der Eid des Hippocrates for piano three-hands Osvaldo Coluccino Aeris Karmella Tsepkolenko Duel-Duo No. 9 23.00 PORTRAIT of Zygmunt Krauze Refrain for piano Nightmare Tango for piano Stone Music for piano Chanson du mal aimé for piano Gloves Music for piano Piano Quintet Performed by: Zygmunt Krauze piano and Ensemble The Harmonies of the World: Natalia Lytvynova violin, Leonid Piskun violin, Iya Komarova viola, Sergey Scholz cello, artistic director THE SECOND NIGHT 00.00 KONZERT-SZENE 4 | Symphony 4 I and II Parts | Ensemble Senza Sforzando Programme: Vytautas Germanavicius NIDAMANNGRIEG SONATE for violin, cello and piano Francis Schwartz Songs of Loneliness, a song cycle for voice, violin, clarinet, piano and participating public (Texts by Josemilio González, Miguel de Ferdinandy, Anna Akhmatova, Jorge Luis Borges, Allen Ginsberg) Performed by: Ihor Zakharchenko clarinet, Julia Timakova mezzo soprano, Oleksandr Perepelytsya junior piano, artistic director, Oleksiy Gove violin, Evhen Dovbush cello I²² Part | Sani Nicola from Isola Prima "Non tutte le isole hanno intorno il mare" for viola and tape Performed by: Maurizio Barbetti viola EPILOGUE | ELECTRIC REFLECTION 1. Gate | A journey from historical impressions | Over contemporary exchange to a vision of new departure | A fusion of music, dance and projection Performed by: Bea&Muk: Bea Schrader dancer, Andreas Haider (aka muk) visual art 02.00 CLOSING SPEECHES 2. Moments Imprevus Performed by: Trio Frissons: Christian Billian electro-guitar, Théophile Bonhert double bass, Guillaume Chastel percussion 03.00 THE END |