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Dear friends,
International Festival of Modern Art "Two Days and Two Nights of New Music"/2D2N is undoubtedly unique event in cultural life of Ukraine as well as Worldwide. It was found in 1995. The Festival is aimed at the popularisation of contemporary art and organizers would like to help audiences become acquainted with leading contemporary performers and composers.
As to the conception and circumstances of implementation the 2D2N doesn't imitate any festival. It is extraordinary by principles and unique by form.
Hundreds of first-class professional Ukrainian and foreign artists visit Odessa, since namely this Festival many years attracts public attention and wide range of specialists.
The situation is changing and new art has become a vital requirement for many people. Festival is expected by musicians as well as by audience, because priority trends in contemporary art are demonstrated here.
The Festival is non-commercial and its organizing and holding costs have been received through contested grants from public, private or governmental Ukrainian, foreign and international foundations and organizations.
The Festival is committed to retaining its high standard of artists and programs for future years and maintaining the stimulating environment in which audiences and artists meet.
If you are interested in helping us on a voluntary basis and to become a Friend of the Festival 2D2N, then the following benefits are available:
- advance Program information
- direct mailing: Festival information and news
- priority booking
- complimentary copy of the Festival souvenirs and Program
- special invitations to press-conference prior to the Festival
- CD with the selected performances
Surnames of our friends will be mentioned in the booklet of the International Festival of Modern Art "Two Days and Two Nights"
Persons, who will contribute:
over 100 USD will get present with the selected recordings of the Festival
over 200 USD will get all recordings of the Festival
over 500 USD will get CD ROM and CDs released by the Association Persons contributing over 1000 USD will participate in the competition on receiving of free of charge travel to the Festival All persons who will make donations will be provided with the receipt for the tax duties.
Please, fill in the attached form and return it to us Application Form
We would like to thank all our Festival Friends for the warm and enthusiastic support extended during 1995-2004 years and to invite new supporters to join us. Any sum will be appreciated. Should you wish to support the International Festival of Modern Art "Two Days and Two Nights of New Music"/2D2N, then please send free-will donations to the following address:
Artistic Director of the Festival Karmella Tsepkolenko Director of the Festival Oleksandr Perepelytsya |
The festival is financially supported by:
International Renaissance Foundation (Kyiv, Ukraine) Charity Foundation Ciacan (Odessa, Ukraine) Foundation for the Promotion of the Arts Development (Kiev, Ukraine) Ernst von SIEMENS Foundation (Germany) European Cultural Foundation (the Netherlands) Imeksbank (Odessa, Ukraine) KulturKontakt Association (Austria) Ministry for Culture and Arts of Ukraine (Kiev) Odessa City Council (Ukraine) Odessa Regional State Administration (Ukraine) PRO HELVETIA Foundation (Switzerland) Swedish Embassy in Ukraine Swiss Cultural Programme Ukraine (Switzerland) Among our partners are: All-Ukrainian Musical Union (Kiev, Ukraine) Arbeitsring für Kulturelle Aufgaben e.V. (Berlin, Germany) Association Francaise d'Action Artistique (France) Austrian Airlines (Austria) Austrian Cultural Forum, Kiev (Austria) Austrian Embassy in Ukraine British Council in Ukraine British Embassy in Ukraine Burgergemeinde Bern (Switzerland) Centre for Contemporary Music Gaudeamus Foundation (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) City of Berne (Switzerland) Concern Veselka (Odessa, Ukraine) Department of Culture of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Austria) Deutscher Musikrat (Germany) Embassy of Norway in Ukraine (Kiev) Embassy of the Netherlands Kingdom in Ukraine (Kiev) Federazione Cemat (Sonora) (Italy) Food Production Enterprise Classic, Water Kryvoozerska (Odessa, Ukraine) Foundation for an Open Society (Romania) Foundation for the Promotion of the Arts Development (Kiev, Ukraine) Freiburg High School of Music (Germany) Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego (Poland) Gaudeamus Foundation (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) Gemeinnützige Hertiestiftung (Germany) German Music Council (Germany) Goethe-Institut Kiew - Deutsches Kultur-Institut (Germany) Government of Denmark Greek Culture Foundation and Greek Consulate in Odessa High School for Music, Freiburg (Germany) Industrial-Commercial Company Victoria (Odessa, Ukraine) Institut Français d'Ukraine - French Cultural Centre in Ukraine (France) Italian Cultural Institute of Kiev (Italy) Kanton Bern (Switzerland) KulturKontakt Association (Austria) Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) Liter Company Kiev (Ukraine) MAKO - International Organisation of Composers` Organisations (Russia) Migros Kulturprozent (Switzerland) Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, Paris (France) Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Stadtentwicklung, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) Ministry for Cultural Affairs of Italy - Department for Performing Arts Ministry for Cultural Affairs of Poland Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Italy (Italy) Ministry of Culture Romania Ministry of the Flemish Community (Belgium) Muziekgroep Nederlands (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) NESTLE Foundation (Switzerland) Odessa Cognac Factory, Shustov Trademark (Odessa, Ukraine) Odessa Municipality (Ukraine) Odessa Regional State Administration (Ukraine) Odessa State A.V.Nezhdanova Music Academy (Ukraine) Open Share Society Odesky Karavay (Odessa, Ukraine) Open Society Fund - Lithuania (Lithuania) Open Society Fund - Prague (Czech Republic) Open Society Georgia Foundation (Georgia) Open Society Institute - Mongolia (Mongolia) Open Society Institute - Moscow (Russia) Open Society Institute - Novosibirsk (Russia) Open Society Institute - Budapest (Hungary) Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation - Armenia (Armenia) Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation - Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan) Polish Institute in Ukraine (Kyiv) PRO HELVETIA, Arts Council of Switzerland, Cultural Exchange East - West (Under the auspices of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) (Switzerland) Provincie West-Vlaanderen (Belgium) Restaurant Ìr. White (Odessa, Ukraine) Robert Bosch Stiftung (Germany) SACEM - Share Society of Composers and Music Publishing Houses SCCA - Odessa SCCA Ljiubliana (Slovenia) Society for Artist Composer and Editor of Music/SACEM (France) Soros Centre for Art - Sofia (Bulgary) Soros Centre for Contemporary Art (Estonia) Soros Foundation (Moldova) Stadt Bern (Switzerland) Stefan Batory Foundation (Poland) Stiftung zur Förderung der darbietenden Künste (Switzerland) SUISA - Stiftung für Musik (Switzerland) Sweden Embassy (Kyiv, Ukraine) Swedish Institute (Sweden) Swedish National Concert Institute (Sweden) The Foundation for Social Protection of Military Men and Retired of Special Divisions of Internal Armed Forces Russ Thomastic-Infeld Company, Vienna (Austria) Ukrainian National Musical Union (Kyiv, Ukraine) Verein zür Förderung zeitgenössischer Music der Ukraine e.V. Freiburg (Germany) ZAO Odessavinprom (Odessa, Ukraine) |