• President: Karmella Tsepkolenko • Director: Oleksandr Perepelytsya
The Association New Music/ANM was founded in Odessa in 1995. In 1996 the ANM joined the International Society for Contemporary Music/ISCM (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) as its full member representing all Ukraine. The idea to create the ANM was emerged while working out the first International Festival of modern art Two Days and Two Nights of New Music/2D2N (Odessa, 1995) by Ukrainian composer, founder and artistic director of this festival Karmella Tsepkolenko, who is founder and President of the International Public Organization Association New Music. The ANM activity is aimed at the development of New Music and modern art in Ukraine. Principal task of the ANM is thorough support of composers, musicians, musicologists, cultural managers, artists involved in the innovative trends of contemporary music and synthetic kinds of art. Proceeding from the ideal of free development of art the ANM doesn't limit concept of New Music by stylistic or ideological bounds. The ANM achieves its aims through the organizing and holding of various artistic and cultural events and actions (festivals, conferences master-classes etc.), realizing audio- and audio-visual recordings, producing CDs, publishing scores and other production (electronic and hard copies). The ANM activity is various and multiple. It is engaged in information and advertising activities, provides gratis management, favours creative work and improvement of professional skills, furthers contacts with colleagues and managers of international musical community, assists in performance and recordings of music, participation in festivals and competitions, exchange information and works. One of directions in the ANM activity in organizing and holding of cultural forums (international festivals, concerts, conferences, seminars, master-classes etc). The most known are: “Theoretical Problems of Contemporary Music and Art - management of the festivals, concerts and exhibitions” (1995-1997), “Open Master-Courses” (1995-1999), “Prima Vista - festival of audio-visual actions” (1997-1999), “Coming together” - the meeting-festival of modern music (1998), “Wandering Art Academy - organization of culture-education wandering actions”(1997-2000), “Art of Improvisation in Contemporary World - the festival of improvisational kinds of art” (1999-2003), “Past and Future - the international festival-forum” (2000-2001), “Joining Through the Art: international forum of festivals directors and leaders of new music organizations” (2001), “Dance Academy - festival - workshop - conference” (1999-2002). Undoubtedly, the main ANM achievement in this field of activity is annual International Festival of Modern Art Two Days and Two Nights of New Music/2D2N, which is reckoned as one of the important musical events in Europe. 2D2N doesn't imitate any other festival. Its specificity is that it unites new content with novel festival form. It is an uninterrupted 48-hour action, two 12-hour musical days, starting on Friday afternoon, breaking on Saturday from 4 a.m. to 4 p.m. then recurring and continuing until Sunday morning. Every day of the Festival is divided into 12 musical hours. Its unique character consists in that enormous composition, involving performers and audience is created in rather limited time period. Namely owing to this Festival the ANM managed to attract public attention and wide range of specialists, to draw in hundreds first-class professional Ukrainian and foreign artists, composers, performers and musical managers. Association recorded all pieces performed during Two Days and Two Nights of New Music/2D2N and selected works were included in three CDs (one of them is double). Alongside with the festival activities the ANM pays attention to the collecting and distribution of information about contemporary musical process. With this purpose the first in Ukraine Musical Information Center for Contemporary Music was created in 2000. The Association has got support from the International Renaissance Foundation/IRF (Ukraine), Pro Helvetia - Ukraine (Switzerland) and KulturKontakt (Austria) for the creation and development of the Musical Information Centre Odessa Ukraine/MIC at the ANM. At the Annual Congress of International Association of Music Information Centers/IAMIC (Brussels, 2002) the MIC was presented and accepted as a candidate to members of this organization. The main direction of the MIC activity is collecting, treatment and distribution of information about New Music, development of library and gramophone record collection, scores etc. There are information about composers, musicians, performers, conductors, musical teams, who perform New Music (over 400 editions), scores (over 1000), CDs with recordings of contemporary music (over 900 CDs). Musicians and teachers, students and pupils, all interested in persons can use these editions free of charge. Creation of electronic databases, catalogues and encyclopaedias on the contemporary Ukrainian music is important part of the ANM activity. The website of the Association was created (1999) to popularise contemporary Ukrainian art and activity of the ANM. There are three main sections: ANM, Festival 2D2N and MIC. Section ANM includes information about the activities and members of the Association, covers artistic events, actions, forums etc. Section Festival 2D2N includes information concerning all editions of the Festival, programs, new music performers, photos etc. Section MIC represents information about composers (photos, biographies and complete lists of works). One can listen selected musical pieces (MP3 format) from this website. Information about new music performers is given here as well. The electronic version of new methodical book “Artistic Games” has been located at the Association website (1990) with the purpose to distribute experience in the field of cultural management and training methods based on the conception of new art development. From 2000 ANM edits English/Ukrainian Internet-journal “Musica Ukrainica”;, where articles and research materials by famous Ukrainian and foreign musicologists, musicians, composers, journalists and cultural managers are published (English/Ukrainian). First in Ukraine CD-ROM multimedia database “New music of Ukraine - composers, works, performers”; was produced by the ANM in 2001. Ukrainian/English information about 24 Ukrainian composers and new music performers (over 50 musicians and musical groups): photos, biographies, complete lists of works, addresses as well as 3-5 recordings of every represented composer, total 12 hours of music (57 selected works, MP3 format) have been included in this CD-ROM. Double CD-ROM “Candours of Mystery” – English/Ukrainian multimedia database with the information about 12 Ukrainian women composers and new music performers (over 70 musicians and musical groups): photos, biographies, complete lists of works, addresses, etc., total 22 hours of music (111 pieces, MP3 format) has been produced in 2003. ANM prepares and edits various materials (journals, festivals booklets, handbooks etc.). English/Ukrainian reference book “Contemporary Composers of Ukraine” with biographical data, photos, complete lists of musical works of 33 Ukrainian contemporary music composers has been published for the first time in Ukraine (2002). Totally 2 CD-ROMs and 9 CDs, Reference book on the contemporary composers and over 70 booklets have been released by the ANM for 10 years. Together with the leader Karmella Tsepkolenko in the regions of Ukraine the most energetic ANM activists are: composers: Volodymyr Runchak, Ludmyla Yurina, Sergiy Zazhitko, Alla Zagaykevych, Victoria Poleva, Svyatoslav Lunyov, Sergiy Pilyutykov; musicologists: Tamara Nevinchana, Natalia Kuliaeva, Victoria Muratova, Lesia Olijnyk, Natalia Stepanenko, Olena Zinkevych; The National Ensemble of soloists "Kyivska kamerata" under Valery Matiukhin, pianist Tetyana Andrievska-Bodenchuk, chamber orchestra Archi (art director and conductor Ihor Andrievsky); L'viv - composer and pianist Oleksandr Kozarenko, violinist Lidia Shutko, composer Bohdana Frolyak; Kharkiv – composer Oleksandr Shchetynsky, Odessa – composers: Svitlana Azarova, Volodymyr Bulanov, Julia Gomelskaya, Ludmyla Samodaieva, Aliona Tomlionova, musicologists: Iouri Semenov, Oleksandr Rovenko, composer and cellist Vadim Larchikov, The Frescos Contemporary Music Ensemble, accordionist Ivan Yergiyev and violinist Olena Yergiyeva (Duo Cadence), Harmonies of the World Ensemble (Artistic Director, cellist Sergiy Scholz), pianist Tetyana Kravchenko, Duo Violoncellissimo, Odessa Chamber Orchestra under Ihor Shavruk and many others. The ANM members participate in concerts and competitions all over the world: Austria, Belgium, China, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, the USA and Switzerland. They represent Ukrainian art as well as learn the foreign experience. New invitations and awards prove success of Ukrainian musicians and composers: Ivan Yergiyev – Honoured artist of Ukraine (2002), First Prize Laureate in Klingenthal International Competition of Accordion Soloists (Germany) and the International Competition Grand Prix (France); Karmella Tsepkolenko – awarded the B.Liatoshyns'kyj Prize of Ukrainian Ministry for Culture and Arts and Ukrainian Composers' Union (2001); Oleksandr Perepelytsya – Laureate at the 2nd International Art Competition “Sribny Dzvin” (Uzhgorod, Ukraine, 2001); Julia Gomelskaya – First Prize Laureate at the 2nd International Composers Competition (Comings, Belgium, 2003) and many others. ANM represents Ukraine at international festivals, symposia and conferences. The most important event is the ISCM Annual Festival “World Music Days”, which it holds in membership countries. Ukrainian composers, members of the ANM L.Yurina (Iaºi, 1999), J.Gomelskaya (Luxemburg, 2000; Hong-Kong, 2002), K.Tsepkolenko (Bucharest, 1999; Yokohama, 2001) represented their works at this festival. K.Tsepkolenko as the ANM President and a Chief delegate from Ukrainian Section of the ISCM participates in General Assembly and Annual festivals “World Music Days” starting from 1997. Owing to the ANM activities, the process of mutual exchange is expanded: Ukrainian musicians perform works by foreign composers, and foreign performers present works by contemporary Ukrainian composers. The ANM has proved its progressive direction and competency at the market economics conditions. It is experienced in practical management. In cooperation with the Association KulturKontakt, project Harmony (USA), Open Society Institute by the network Program (Hungary, Budapest) and Program APEXchanges at the European Cultural Foundation (The Netherlands, Amsterdam) and with others the Association realizes trainings for cultural managers and festivals organizers from many countries: 1999, three weeks internships and training of manager Samdandamba Badamkhorol, who is Director of the Festival “Roaring Hoofs“ (Mongolia); training of Narek Tovmasyan - manager of Armenian Symphony Orchestra (2002). The Association send its members for trainings and internships: participation of composer Karmella Tsepkolenko in 3 weeks European Summer Academy for Culture and Management (Saltzburg, Austria, 1999) and 1,5 months Program “Culture Links” (New-York, 1996); participation of composer Vadim Larchikov in 1,5 months Program “Culture Links” (New-York, 1997) and 3 weeks internships by the Program “Looking inside” in Czech Republic (2003); 3 weeks internships of cellist Olga Veselina by the Program “Looking inside” at Lithuanian International Society for Contemporary Music (2003); 3 weeks internship of manager Îleksandr D.Perepelytsya by the Program “Community Connections Program” (Project Harmony) in Institute for Training and Development (Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, 2003); 9 months training of musicologist Yury Semenov at the A.Onassis the Public Benefit Foundation (Athens, Greece, 2002) and 3 months internships at the P.Zaher Foundation (Basel, Switzerland, 2004); composer Svitlana Azarova - 6 months training by the Scholarship program of the Ministry Culture “Gaude Polonia” (Warsaw, Poland, 2003) and the 6 weeks Scholarship in composition - project at the Dresden Center of Music/DZzM (Dresden, Germany, 2003-2004); accordionist Alexey Titov - 6 weeks Scholarship in accordion at the Dresden Center of Music/DZzM (Dresden, Germany, 2003-2004); pianist Oleksandr Perepelytsya - 6 weeks Scholarship in piano at the Dresden Center of Music/DZzM (Dresden, Germany, 2003-2004) and others. ANM plays a role of a consultant on the cultural management issues for other countries. One of examples of such assistance is International Mongolian festival of new and traditional music “Roaring Hoofs” (1999-2004). ANM organized travel of Ukrainian musicians and managers to this event. The management model developed at the 2D2N festival has been successfully applied and works in many countries: Mongolia - festival of new and traditional music Roaring Hoofs (1999-2003), Kyrghyzstan - Golden Silk Sound Road (2000, 2001), Vietnam Cracking Bamboo (2000-2003). In 2004 ÀNÌ held successfully 10-festival 2D2N and few International actions dedicated to art management, contemporary art of musical improvisation and novel forms of plastic performance. Activity of the ANM and holding of all above listed actions are realized owing to unique experience and long-term cooperation of Association with many institutions, namely: Ukraine Culture and Arts Ministry, International Renaissance Foundation (Ukraine), Foundation for the Promotion of the Arts Development (Kyiv, Ukraine), Austrian Embassy, Austrian CulturForum Kyiv and KulturKontakt (Austria), British Council, Greek Culture Foundation and Greek Consulate in Odessa, Gaudeamus Foundation, The European Cultural Foundation (the Netherlands), Goethe-Institut, German Musical Council and Ernst von Siemens Foundation (Germany), Institut Francais - French Cultural Centre in Ukraine and AFAA Association (France), Pro Helvetia Foundation and Swiss Cultural Programme Ukraine (Switzerland), Swedish Institute and others. Beginning of new millennium is noticed by new level in the ANM activities. Owing to the initiatives of members and fruitful cooperation of the ANM with international institutions, new perspectives for implementation of creative ideas and new projects at national and international levels are opened. |