Biography: Born on October 3, 1951 in Odessa (Ukraine).
O.Perepelytsya graduated from Odessa K.F.Dankevych Musical College, piano class with Prof. A.P.Bychach (1973) and Odessa State A.V.Nezhdanova Conservatoire (now Odessa State A.V.Nezhdanova Musical Academy), piano class with Prof. A.B.Zelynsky (1977).
1983-1986 - post-graduate course at Odessa State K.D.Ushynsky Pedagogical Institute (now K.D.Ushinsky Southern-Ukrainian State Pedagogical University), where he has introduced system for prognosis and development of creative emotions and feelings in the practice of musicians and artists training, system of complex education of creative gifted person.
In 1987 he defended thesis entitled "Pedagogical backgrounds for the aesthetical feelings formation in the music teaching process" ("Pedagogicheskie osnovy formirovania esteticheskikh chuvstv uchaschikhsia v processe obuchenia muzyke"), Moscow Scientific-Research Institute of Art Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences USSR (with Prof. Dr. G.M.Tsypin) and got a Ph.D. degree (Pedagogy).
1990-1993 he worked for doctor's degree in Moscow Scientific-Research Institute of Art Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences USSR. Thesis entitled "Art game as a method for the aesthetical cognition of child" has been prepared.
O.Perepelytsya - the author of art games theory described in textbook "Art Games" (1990) (online version). This theory has successfully been introduced in educational institutions (Ukraine, Russia), applied in 20 International Conferences and was reported in 40 research publications (3 books, 12 scientific collected articles, a lot of reports).
During 1994-1999 he was the coordinator of Culture programs at Odessa Regional Branch of International Renaissance Foundation (IRF). In 1997 he was the Deputy Director of that Branch.
He is the head of the Public organization Institute of the Regional Development, Culture and Education (1999) and Director of International Public organization Association New Music (1995) - Ukrainian Section of International Society of Contemporary Music/ISCM.
The International Renaissance Foundation (Ukraine), "Pro Helvetia" foundation (Switzerland), "KulturKontakt" (Austria) granted his creative and cultural projects.
O.Perepelytsya is one of a founder and Director of Annual International Festival of Modern Art "Two Days and Two Nights of New Music" (exists from 1995). He is initiator and organizer of series of different festivals and concerts, international conferences, seminars and master-classes; events dedicated to modern dance, improvisation art and other cultural actions (approx.50, see List). The most famous are "Wandering Academy of Music" (Odessa, 1997-2000), "Prima Vista" (1997-1999).
In 2000 first in Ukraine Musical Information Center of Contemporary music at the Association New Music has been founded and electronic database of contemporary music has been elaborated owing to his initiative.
O.Perepelytsya is director and editor of the Internet on-line Magazine "Musica Ukrainica", which he founded in 2000 as well.
He is initiator, manager and editor of the first in Ukraine CD-ROM "New Music of Ukraine - composers, works, performers: multimedia database" (online version) - (Odessa, 2001); information about 24 Ukrainian composers: photos, biographies, complete lists of works, addresses, etc. (English-Ukrainian), as well as 3-5 recordings of every represented composer (maybe for the first time in the international practice), total 12 hours of music (57 selected works, MP-3 format). Besides, information about new music performers (over 50 musicians and musical groups) has been included.
Double CD-ROM "Candours of Mystery" - English-Ukrainian multimedia database of Ukrainian composers has been released in 2002. Information about 12 Ukrainian women composers (photos, biographies, complete lists of works, addresses, etc.), as well as 22 hours of music (total 111 pieces, MP-3 format) and information about new music performers (over 70 musicians and musical groups) have been included in the CD-ROM.
O.Perepelytsya is organizer of publication and editor of booklets, different information materials to festivals and other artistic events. He is Editor-in-chief of the English/Ukrainian reference-book "Contemporary Composers of Ukraine". Biographical data, photos, lists of musical works of many Ukrainian composers involved in the contemporary music have been published for the first time in Ukraine (Odessa, 2002).
11 CDs with the pieces of contemporary academic Ukrainian music and selected works from the International Festival "Two Days and Two Nights of New Music" (1995-2002) have been produced under his leadership during 1994-2002.
He participated in many international festivals and forums. In particular, Roaring Hooves (Mongolia, 1999), contemporary music annual workshop at the International master-class for pianists (Biel, Switzerland, 2001), 17th Dresden Days of Contemporary Music (Germany, 2003), etc.
Ξleksandr D.Perepelytsya had 3 weeks internship to improve his manager's skills by the Program "Community Connections Program" (Project Harmony) at the Institute for Training and Development (Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, 2003).
List of festivals and events organized by the initiative and leadership of
Oleksandr Perepelytsya (1995-2004) "Two Days and Two Nights of New Music"
annual International festival of modern art, 1995-2004. "Two Days and Two Nights of New Music" is one of the largest festivals for new music and performing art in Ukraine. Unique character of this action consists in that it is modelling by the logics of composer's thinking and author's conception performing grandiose 48 hours event, where various kinds of art are organically mixed and exist according to the laws of own time.
"Opened Master-Courses"
International musical seminar, Odessa, 1995, 1996, 1998.
"Theoretical Problems of Modern Music and Art"
International conference, 1995, 1996, 1997
"Parade of Premieres"
premieres of opera "Between Two Fires" and chamber piece "Exit" by Karmella Tsepkolenko in Basel and Bern (Switzerland), Halborn and Freiburg (Germany), 1997.
"Young Music of Ukraine and Poland"
mini-festival and conference of modern Polish and Ukrainian music in Odessa (Ukraine), 1997.
"Wandering Academy of Music"
organization of cultural and educational wandering actions in the Southern Ukraine, Odessa, September-October 1997; December 1997; November-December 1998; December 1999; December 2000
"Youth Music"
the festival of the Eastern European composers and performers in Odessa (Ukraine), 1998.
International master-courses in composition, Odessa (Ukraine), 1998.
"Coming Together"
International festival of Eastern European young composers and performers, Odessa (Ukraine), June 1998, November 1998
"Prima Vista"
a festival of audio-visual and musical actions, Odessa (Ukraine), 1998, 1999.
a festival and a workshop of the new dance performing art, Odessa (Ukraine), 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
"Roaring Hoofs"
participation in the International festival of contemporary music in Mongolia, 1999.
"Internet-conference of audio-visual arts and theatre"
organization of a conference and series of audio-visual and theatre actions, 1999.
"The Art of Improvisation in the Contemporary World"
Festival of Improvisational Kinds of Art, Odessa (Ukraine), 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003
"Experimental trends in music of the world"
a cycle of concerts and performances in the season of 2000-2001.
"Informing for Acting"
International music information forum, Odessa, 2000
"Past and Future"
Cultural Interaction in Music of Eastern European and Eurasian Countries, Odessa (Ukraine), 2000, 2001.
Music Information Centre Odessa Ukraine at the "Association New Music"
Internet-journal about the contemporary Ukrainian Music, a library with editions dedicated to contemporary music with gramophone recordings, the data base of contemporary Ukrainian composers, 2000 - 2002
"Uniting Through Music"
International Forum of Festival Directors and Managers of Contemporary Music Organizations, Odessa (Ukraine), 2001, 2002
Ukrainian-Swiss Piano Academy - Biel, Switzerland, August 5-12, 2001
Cycle of Black Moon
Portrait of composer Karmella Tsepkolenko (January 20, 2002, Austria, Vienna, Jazz & Musicclub 'Porgy&Bess').
Cooperation Platform - Development of Art Management Training Center at the Association New Music, Odessa, 2003
International Forum of Novel Art - conference (round table) of Art Managers, MICs Representatives and Festival Directors; release of the CD ROM, Odessa, 2004
State and Perspectives on the Development of Management in the Sphere of Culture - International Seminar, March 2004 (Odessa)
Published CDs
with the participation and under leadership of Oleksandr Perepelytsya (1995-2002) 1. CHAMBER MUSIC Karmella Tsepkolenko 1994 2. EX PLURIBUS ARS Karmella Tsepkolenko 1994 3. CHAMBER MUSIC Karmella Tsepkolenko 1995 4. SELF REFLECTIONS Karmella Tsepkolenko 1998 5. DIE TÜR SPERRANGELWEIT AUF Karmella Tsepkolenko 2000 6. VIOLETA DINESCU. KARMELLA TSEPKOLENKO 2002 7. TWO DAYS AND TWO NIGHTS OF NEW MUSIC 1995-1997 8. TWO DAYS AND TWO NIGHTS OF NEW MUSIC 1998-2000 9. TWO DAYS AND TWO NIGHTS OF NEW MUSIC 2001 10. NEW MUSIC OF UKRAINE - COMPOSERS, WORKS, PERFORMERS. Multimedia Ddatabase 2001 11. CANDOURS OF MYSTERY - Multimedia Database of Ukrainian Woman Composers 2003
Published editions:
Reference Guide-Book "Contemporary Composers of Ukraine", Odessa, 2002.
Festivals' booklets
Internet editions:
Internet journal "Musica Ukrainica" (Odessa, Ukraine, 2000-2002).
Textbook by O.Perepelytsya and K.Tsepkolenko "Artistic Games" (1990), online version:
Web site of ANM:
Oleksandr Perepelytsya
9 Uspensky Lane (Provulok), Apt. 1, 65045 Odessa, Ukraine
Tel/fax: (+38 0482) 261689
Oleksandr Perepelytsya
48 Bazarna Str, Apt.1, 65011 Odessa, Ukraine
Tel/fax: (+38 0482) 225283
Online magazine: